When does my Monthly Pass expire?
Your monthly membership begins on the day you sign up for VeloGO, and ends on the same day of the following month. For example, if you signed up on May 23, your next charge date will be June 23.
Will my Monthly Pass be automatically renewed every month?
Yes, your card will be automatically charged on the same day of the month. For example, if you signed up on May 23, your next charge date will be June 23.
How many times can I use VeloGO with a Monthly Pass?
You have 100 30-minute rides included in your monthly membership. If you wish to take more than 100 rides within the month, you will be charged $0.10 per additional minute.
How much does VeloGO cost?
VeloGO has multiple plan options, you can find them all here.
Why is there a 30 minute time limit on Monthly Passes?
Bike share is designed for short, one-way trips. Ride times are limited to make sure that bikes are available for all users to share throughout the day. You can ride longer than 30 minutes but overage fees apply of $0.16 per minute.
What happens if I go over the 30 minute ride time on Monthly Passes?
If your trip is longer than 30 minutes, you will be charged $0.16 per additional minute. That means if you ride for 45 minutes your ride will cost $1.50.
Will I get charged if I don’t park within the HOPR Ponds (designated parking areas)?
No, but you will be charged $20 if you park outside of the service area.
I was charged more than I was expecting, why?
If you noticed extra fees on your account, it’s likely from taking a ride longer than your VeloGO Pass’ allotted ride time.

If you have a Monthly or Student Pass and have exceeded the 30-minute time limit, you are charged at a prorated fee of $0.16 per minute.

There are also an additional charge of $20 if you park outside the VeloGO service area.

How do I know if I was charged an overage fee?
You can check your payment history by navigating to Wallet through the main menu.